Newsletters MagazinesProducing industry-rich correspondences on a regular basis is a great way to keep your company’s name in front of customer and potential customers. You cannot be sure customers are regularly visiting your web site, so newsletters and industry magazines are a perfect way to make sure your name stays in front of them at least a few times a year. These publications may also help push traffic to your web site on a more regular basis.

Kobeco has produced a number of these for clients. The key to these correspondences, is to make sure they are produced & sent out on a regular basis and only develop a piece you know you can continually fill with relevant information. If this means a 2 page newsletter, then maintain a 2 page newsletter. If it is a 28 page magazine, then continue in the same, consistent fashion. This will lend more credence to your efforts.

These vehicles really should be viewed as a unique, productive marketing effort supplemental to your web site. Since newsletters and magazines are circulated a limited number of times during year, they allow you to grab the reader’s attention with timely information and the “read it or miss it” appeal periodical publications have. This provides you with the perfect opportunity to promote new products, product upgrades, inform of positive personnel changes within your company, notify customers of upcoming events, and most importantly, keep a consistent connection with your customer base. When properly developed and populated with relevant industry information, customers will actually look forward to receiving & reading the next issue.

Some newsletters and magazines are produced electronically and sent via e-mail, while others are printed and mailed out. Both avenues have proven effective and Kobeco can help you determine which is best suited for your company.