Kobeco produces many traditional print ads for trade magazines. Its flair for thought provoking designs that creatively convey a message about a product or service is unrivaled. Great time and effort is taken to learn the product, the message being conveyed and what desired effect a client wants the ad to have on the marketplace before design elements are developed and themes are identified.

Since the advent of the internet and web sites, electronic ads have become increasingly popular. Wether it be for an industry trade web site, an addition to your company web site or sent out via e-mailed ad blitz, Kobeco approaches the design of these electronic ads in the same fashion as the print ads – a concentrated focus on eye-catching design and a level of professionalism that is sure to get your company noticed.

If Kobeco handles your next e-mailed ad blitz, be assured we use a certified e-mail service as the vehicle for this campaign. This second party service reviews the list of e-mails, sorts out any bad addresses and removes any duplicate addresses. After the e-mails go out, it allows for receivers to “opt out” from receiving future e-mails (as required by law), notifies us of any undeliverable addresses, bounces, etc… and then updates the e-mail list so it is current for future mailings. Finally a report of the results is provided which informs us of how many were opened, how many were clicked on after opening and how many were moved to trash without opening. This report is invaluable when analyzing the effectiveness of your campaign and determining what adjustments should be made before future campaigns.